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Ultimate Frankenstein vs Evil Necromancer is a local versus game developed during the 2020 Global Game Jam on the theme "Repairs". We had a week-end to produce a prototype exploiting the best of this concept. 


In UFEN  the players will battle each other as summoners capable of crafting their own fighting creatures from separated body parts. As seen below the game screen is divided in two distinct bases and "laboratories", thus the players goal will be to have a creature crossing the whole screen from his base to the other's one.

The creatures will stop and battle upon crossing each other and when one dies its spare parts will be divided between the players to create new unique ones. 


In order to give an interesting versus experience to the players we wanted to bring a tactical dimension to the game.


With this in mind we designed a statistics system to rule the creature parts and their crafting. As seen on the screenshot above these stats are displayed in the players' laboratories, adding up when combining different creature parts. It's then up to the player to craft a creature that will be the most suited for his situation, whether he attacks or defends for example.

The three stats are : Strenght (Damage per second), Health (The amount of damage the monster can endure) and Movement Speed. They will decide the outcome of each fights between the creatures.


Finally, if spare parts are regularly distributed to players we wanted to help the losing player, the one whose base is the most threatened by an enemy creature, to fight against a possible snowball effect.

To this end the closer a creature dies from a player base, the bigger his spare part share will be. More spare parts meaning more potential creatures to craft and a bigger chance to comeback in the battle.


The project's page on the GGJ website. It has been the game with the most likes among the ones made at ICAN during this edition. 



My work on this project:


  • Original concept

  • Design of game systems and mechanics

  • Documentation

  • FX production


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